Preparing yourself for Ibogaine Treatment
For all its amazing benefits, Ibogaine treatment can be an ordeal and if used incorrectly even deadly. But with proper screening, preparation and administration these risks are negible.
So with this in mind it is our aim on this page to give you some advice on how best you can prepare yourself for your ibogaine detox treatment and/or iboga ceremony.
This is important, proper preparation will make your journey smoother and safer.
The preparation process contains the following steps:
- Find a good provider
- Your provider should guide you through this process. Consider it a warning sign if they don’t.
- You can contact Ibogaine Hotline for our list of recommended providers
- If you feel concerns about the ibogaine provider or clinic you have chosen or have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
- Sadly this powerful medicine is all too often exploited by unscrupulous people and can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
- Tips on identifying a good provider can be found here Choosing a good ibogaine provider or treatment centre
- Check you are a good candidate for this work
- An Electro-Cardiogram ECG / EKG (6-lead minimum, 12-lead preferred) is required for all people considering taking ibogaine. This is a way of measuring the health of your heart and will show your ibogaine provider whether you are likely to have any issues whilst under the influence of ibogaine.
- A Complete Metabolic Panel (sometimes called Chem 12 or Chem 18) There are several types of blood tests. Your provider will need to see one that shows: creatinine, electrolytes, sodium, potassium, serum magnesium, and liver function.
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
These can be obtained privately or sometimes through a state provided healthcare professional. We can provide more advice on obtaining these reports if required. - Check any health concerns and medications for contraindications on this page Ibogaines Medical Contraindications
- Depending upon the results of the above you may need further tests such as liver function or a stress ECG.
- Don’t assume that you can’t take ibogaine if you have some of these medical conditions or your ECG comes back less than perfect. In most cases it is still possible to treat you, but there will be adjustments and you may be suggested a low dose protocol which usually consists of smaller doses taken over several days.
- Often hydrating well will improve your ECG, Blood panel and electrolyte levels.
- Your ibogaine provider should be able to guide you through this process. Consider it a warning sign if they don’t interview you or ask you about your past medical history.
- Physically prepare
- Hydrate well, this is very important for healthy heart function and a safe ibogaine treatment
- Electrolytes, coconut water or electrolyte drinks are great ways to hydrate
- Make sure your electrolytes are in balance on your blood panel and if not take supplements to correct. Magnesium and Potassium are of particular concern.
- Don’t wait to start hydrating, as soon as you are considering an ibogaine treatment you should start hydrating well in advance. Weeks in advance.
- Make sure you are passing stools regularly. Constipation is bad news with ibogaine.
- Do not take any contraindicated medication, supplements, foods or drugs Ibogaines Medical Contraindications
- Make sure you have safely tapered off any contraindicated medications within 4 to 7 times the half life of that medication
- Cardio type fitness also good
- BENZOS – If you take any type of benzodiazipines like valium, Xanax, diazempam, etc. Make sure you are on a stable dose and maintain throughout your ibogaine treatment. DO NOT try and detox from a benzo addiction during an ibogaine flood. This can cause life threatening seizures.
- Mental / Emotional / Spiritual Preparation
- Ibogaine is a life changing event and one you should prepare yourself for
- Think about the parts of yourself you would like to change and heal. Shame and resentments are good places to start.
- Write a list of what you would like to leave behind. What is stopping you from leaving that behind?
- If you are leaving behind an addiction enquire into it. How does it benefit you? What does it help you to cope with? Is there something it is masking? Try and be very present with your addiction in these last few days or weeks before you leave it for good.
- What you would like your life to be like? Prepare by trying to visualize it.
- How would you like to feel? Try to imagine what that would be like.
- Meditation or quiet contemplative time can be useful.
- Be prepared to be out of touch with your old life, friends and family for a few weeks as you go through your process.
- Make sure you won’t be concerned with work or personal matters for a period of time after ibogaine. Setup email autoresponders etc. Let people know that you will likely be out of contact for a period of time.
- Know your rights
- Ibogaine Patient’s Bill of Rights was originally created by Howard Lotsof
- View your rights here: www.ibogainealliance.org/advocacy/bill-of-rights/
- After Ibogaine
- Your treatment begins with your flood, but the real work begins in the months after
- You will still be undergoing your process for about 3 to 6 months as the noribogaine stays in your system and you receive the GDNF power up. See the Benefits of Ibogaine page for more on this.
- This 3 to 6 month window is your opportunity to change you life. After that the noribogaine will come off of the receptor sites and the GDNF will stop. So make sure you set good new habits and patterns in place for yourself during this time. Don’t be complacent, this is your chance to change your life.
- Make a plan now for after your ibogaine treatment. Planning things after an ibogaine treatment can be hard as you will still be in your process with the medicine.
- Find a safe, calm place to spend the weeks and months following your treatment. Cities are generally not advised. The countryside can be much more therapeutic.
- Some people may go to a dry house setting but many more are now choosing special ibogaine aftercare centres. Ashrams and meditation centres have also been reported as good places to spend a few months after your detox.
- Do not consume any drugs in this time. Ibogaine has reset you and will also make any other drugs consumed much stronger. High risk of overdose in this time, especially with opiates.
- This time is important. Many personal insights and growths will take place in it. Making space for some quiet reflection each day or meditation is extremely valuable for the coming insights that you will be receiving post ibogaine.
- Typical recommendations for clients post treatment are: meditation, exercise, time in nature, good diet, sobriety and future spiritual exploration
- We can help to connect you to a good aftercare program for you. Contact our advisers for free advice.
Due to the potential dangers involved in taking ibogaine it is important that you take your preparation seriously and tell your provider the truth about your past medical history and current drug consumption.
If you feel that your ibogaine provider is not supporting you through this process seek outside advice or question why they are not.

“Your downfall is a preparation for your up-rise. If you don’t know this secret, you will remain on the floor, blaming your legs instead of your head!”
― Israelmore Ayivor

Most of this website content was written by Rich Hughes, as well as the website creation itself.
In the photo to the left, he is the man on the right hand side.
He worked and volunteered for more than 5 years at various ibogaine detox clinics in México and Portugal before striking out on his own in Spain, his clinic is called Madera Sagrada which is Spanish for sacred wood, the indigenous Bwiti name for iboga.
During this time he has experienced the good, the bad and the ugly of ibogaine treatment; from the countless dozens who gained their freedom and even witnessing a death whilst working as a volunteer. This drove him to better understand the health and safety aspects, including how to read an ECG/EKG and an advanced first aid course.
It is with his hard won information, and a desire to see ibogaine knowledge distributed around the world, saving lives, as it has saved his life from Crack and heroin addiction.
"I´m just a common man who through his own experience and desire has studied ibogaine and iboga and their correct administration. I stand on the shoulders of giants and through my web and graphic design skills I´ve decided to disseminate this info to a wider audience, with the hope of spreading liberty to those that desire it
+34 643280060 (Whatsapp & Telegram available)
Learn about the jaw-dropping benefits of Ibogaine and Iboga. They do so much more than just addiction treatment
Ibogaine can be dangerous for some people. Educate yourself to see if you are a good candidate for this work
Preparing for your iboga ceremony or ibogaine treatment. Mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Learn what medication and medical health conditions are a bad mix with ibogaine and iboga.
Make sure you go to a good place! There are some shady operations going on out there…
Ibogaine and the heart have a delicate relationship. Indepth article about the action on the heart.
Talk to us!
Our knowledgeable volunteers will share their personal experience of ibogaine with you and advise you on how to find a good clinic.
+34 643280060
For a free call back:
Text, Whatsapp, Telegram app or email us!
Or by clicking the blue speech bubble to the right of the screen to chat to us right now!
Join our facebook group and get first hand advice from people who have already made their journies with ibogaine www.facebook.com/groups/1521724148001426/
Like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ibogainehotline

We wish you luck on your journey. This incredible medicine has changed so many lives, but to do safe and effective work it must be treated with respect.
It’s important that you find a good provider or clinic to do your ibogaine treatment with. Don’t end up with the cowboys!
We do our best to keep this website updated as our collective knowledge and experience of the use of ibogaine grows, and we would love you contributions and suggestions. Email us

The Anti-Addiction Drug Ibogaine and the Heart: A Delicate Relation
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Entheo-Science – Jeff Kamlet: Ibogaine Safety
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Detoxing from Methadone with Ibogaine – Clare Wilkins Psychedelic Science Conference 2017
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Dr Fred’s Ibogaine Safety Presentation at the European Ibogaine Forum
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Ibogaine Adverse Reactions & Safety – Jamie Mac – Ibogaine / Cardiac Nurse – Notes from the European Ibogaine Forum
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Welcome to Ibogaine Hotline
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